Anyone who uses Twitter has seen a million posts along the lines of "retweet this post to win a . . ." or "Follow me for a chance to win . . . " etc. Usually I ignore them, I mean, what chance do I have, honestly? Well, a few days ago one of my Etsy "tweeps" did a slightly different giveaway, and I WON! Her contest was for the next person to do . . . something unspecified . . . would win a surprise! Luckily she gave hints, and as the next person to favorite her Etsy shop, I was the winner! My surprise, from Tubby Tabby's Jewelbox arrived in the mail yesterday. I was so excited, I just had to make a post about it here :D
Everything about the packaging was beautiful (yes, I'm building the suspense on you, deal with it :-p . . . ) I opened the envelope (which looked as thought it was being reused-very green!) and found a little box tied with ribbon. Wrapped along with the box was a kitty tag, made from plantable paper, that reads "Plant me, Water me, watch me grow!"
The two Tubby Tabby's Jewelbox cards inside were absolutely adorable, and so professional!
And . . . inside was a gorgeous necklace! It has a very dark red pendant, which is a color I absolutely love. There are silver swirls on the bail and also two separate swirls on the string. And you'll see, it looks gorgeous when worn! I've been wearing it all day, I love it so much!
I just can't even say how much I loved getting this little surprise in the mail. If you like it too, check out Tubby Tabby's Jewelbox, it's full of beautiful things, including more necklaces like this one, and beautiful pendants made from upcycled dominoes or scrabble tiles. You can also check out Tubby Tabby's SquawkBox (blog) and the Top Cat graphic design shop, or follow her on twitter.
Copyright 2010. See more at Voyage of the Hyperspace Hippo