My boyfriend really likes bike riding (he's a bit insane-rides to work in all kinds of weather-and this is all kinds of New England weather-so some intense rain and cold and snow) and we've moved to a really bike-friendly city, so we've been toying with the idea of getting me a used bike. There are bike trails and bike lanes all over here, like this one:
But last weekend when we left the house, we saw this absolutely beautiful bike with a for sale sign sitting outside a house only a few doors down from ours! Great condition, not used very much, good price, and locks included! And today we finally made up our minds and bought it, and I just love it! It was kind of funny-the woman selling it was clearly very attached to it, and glad it was going to "a good home." I felt like I was adopting a dog!
We just got it a few hours ago, but I test rode it, and although not quite confident with it yet, it really is, as they say . . . just like riding a bike!
Isn't it beautiful??
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